Stage Sponsors 800km International Unicycle Race - 16-20th June 2008 - Nova Scotia, Canada
Digital elevation image courtesy of AGRG , Applied Geomatics Research Group, Nova Scotia
Ride The Lobster, or "RTL" is to be run by unicycle relay teams of three riders each possibly with a backup rider, exchanging on-the-fly as needed.
Click here for for more information and STAGE sponsor agreement in PDF document
One Stage is to be raced each day, for five days, from Yarmouth in the south to Sydney, Cape Breton, in the north -- a total distance of 800km. Proposed stages follow. Click here for Flash Event trailer.
Stage 1
Monday 16th June 2008
Stage 2
Tuesday 17th June 2008
Stage 3
Time Trials Stage
Wednesday 18th June 2008
Stage 4
Thursday 19th June 2008
Stage 5
Friday 20th June 2008
These stages cover six of the seven tourist regions of Nova Scotia.
The route will pass by and through over 80 towns and villages.
The precise route is being currently planned.
There will be one Stage Sponsor per Stage.
Support provided for each stage will go towards ensuring a ground team in place to assist the riders, spectators and officials.