Service Sponsors 800km International Unicycle Race - 16-20th June 2008 - Nova Scotia, Canada
Sponsors, volunteers and donors are important contributors to the success of this event.
Service Sponsors donate expertise.
Service Sponsors also donate labour, materials, promotional backing, and time.
This race requires services such as: mechanical, vehicle transportation, telecommunications, rider tracking and mapping, website, broadcasting services, medical, mobile service-station facilities, racing awards, and traffic control -- even entertainment.
Service supporters are very important, direct participants in this event.
Service Sponsors are to be listed and promoted as they sign on to "Ride The Lobster".
Link for more information and SERVICE sponsor agreement in PDF document.
Britech Information Systems Ltd., one of the Synova Group of companies, is located in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia. They provide software solutions to clients in the public and private healthcare sector, the insurance industry, socialscience researchers, among others. The company collects and analyzes travel data through their Mobility/GIS software, their Nomad suite of products and their asset tracking by GPS and Chart My World (c) software. Britech is the tracking and mapping sponsor to Ride The Lobster, providing near, real-time visualization of unicycle teams on the Google Map/Earth platform.
Bedford Unicycles of Toronto becomes an Official Unicycle Service Provider for Ride The Lobster.
They provide service and parts for all sorts of unicycles & sell to all North American unicyclists.
SocialText is a Service Sponsor to Ride The Lobster, providing Wiki technical expertise, space and support,courtesy of Vancouver unicyclist .
The Inside Story Canada's Independant Booksellers. The Inside Story bookstore is located in Greenwood andWindsor, Nova Scotia. Owned and operated by , they play the part of a major service sponsor and main contact for this event.
The Cat gets you to Nova Scotia by ferry, from Portland, Maine or from Bar Harbor, Maine.
Bay Ferries Limited ("Bay") runs the ferry service. The company is founded on principles of safety, efficiency, quality, community and innovation, and is recognized throughout North America as an efficient and competent and innovative ferry service provider. The Catpromotes Ride The Lobster.
Allimation for design, graphics and animation.
Allimation creates many of the visual elements and Flash animations used for Ride The Lobster website and promotional print material, such as tourism rack cards and posters.
Click here for Flash Event trailer.