Rider Sponsors 800km International Unicycle Race - 16-20th June 2008 - Nova Scotia, Canada
Image Courtesy of Nathan Hoover, California, USA.
Riders need to be able to travel to Nova Scotia, Canada, for this event. Each rider, ideally, would also have their own sponsor.
Some world-class unicyclists need a sponsor to help get here for the event and to return home. You can help sponsor an individual rider and be identified with that rider. If you want to pick a rider from a specific country to sponsor that's OK. We'll identify a rider needing your help.
Click here for for more information and RIDER sponsor agreement in PDF document
If you want to pick any rider to sponsor email us at A list of riders will be available on request and posted in time to this website.
Sponsors begin to be listed and promoted as they sign on to "Ride The Lobster".
Click here for the Flash Event trailer.