Rankings 800km International Unicycle Race - 16-20th June 2008 - Nova Scotia, Canada
Ride The Lobster 2008 has officially come to an end.
Final results are listed in the links below.
Internet connections were touch and go during the race, depending on where we were staying, as were cell towers and many other ameneties - so thanks once again for your patience and understanding.
... a BIG congrats to all the riders, organizers, support, sponsors and volunteers of this event, because without you this wouldn't have been possible. You made history this week!!
Day One - Monday 16th June, 2008
Day Two - Tuesday 17th June, 2008
Day Three - Wednesday 18th June, 2008 - Time Trials
Day Three - Wednesday 18th June, 2008 - Criterium
Day Four - Thursday 19th June, 2008