Ride The Lobster - 00km International Unicycle Race - 16-20th June 2008 - Nova Scotia, Canada
Unicycle Max 800km International Unicycle Race - 16-20th June 2008 - Nova Scotia, Canada
Event Sponsors
N.S. Economic Development
Fly Halifax
NS Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage
Ride The Lobster Blog - click to view

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Who is Unicycle Max?
Late spring 2006. Max deMilner set himself a personal goal -- unicycle 1,200km through six New England states and earn money for college.

He spent thirty long, hard days on the road, many through wind, cold and rain.
Captain Pasquale, the nickname he gave his unicycle, was his only companion. As he progressed he gained admirers and friends along the way. He inspired many.
His venture was a source of inspiration for creating the 800km international unicycle race "Ride The Lobster".

If a young man from rural Maine could set his sights and achieve them, could we not all, similarly, challenge ourselves and in some way enrich our lives and the lives of others?
permission: www.unicyclemax.com

Philosophical statement
prior to unicycle trek.
Max and Captain Pasquale
with home in tow.
