Hi! I'am Johannes Helck. I was born in 1986 in Kandel, (Germany), so I'm 22 years old. I learned to ride the unicycle at the age of 17, but before I was racing cyclist. I started to use the unicycle for travelling trips soon after. I was at two competitions, Unicon Langenthal, (Swiss) and the unicycle marathon in Dusseldorf, (Germany). I was one of the first riders with a 36 Wheel and a Schlumpfdrive in 2006. Besides unicycling I am a skilled chemical worker.
Johannes Helck, Qualification Ride, Bottrop, Germay, April 2008, Photo by Holger Summer
Johannes Helck, Qualification Ride, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, April 2008, Photo by Arne Tilgen
Johannes Helck, Qualification Ride , Waltrop, Germany, April 2008, Photo by Arne Tilgen
Jan Logemann
I learned to ride at the age of 13. In 1997 I took part at my first nationals championchip in Germany. One year later I was a participant of the unicon in Germany. Since this time I took part at every unicon. My main discipline are the race competitions and hockey. Unicycling has become a central part of my life. During the last years I began with the long distance races. Here I see new challeges. I look forwad to many years of riding. Currently I am a student of machine engeneering.
Jan Logemann, Qualification Ride, Bottrop, Germany, April 2008, Photo by Holger Summer
Jan Logemann, Qualification Ride Day 1, Witten, Germany, February 2008, Photo by Arne Tilgen
Jan Logemann, Sleeping after day 1, Neheim, Germany, Februar 2008, Photo by Arne Tilgen
Arne Tilgen
My name is Arne Tilgen, I was born and raised in Essen, (Germany). At the age of 13 I learnt to juggle and to ride with my first unicycle. My first contact with other unicyclist was at german national championships 1994 and at the Eurocycle 1995 at Nice, France. Since 1995 I practiced every types of unicycling (Unicycle Hockey, Trial, Freestyle, Racing). 1998 was the first time that I earned money with unicycle shows at the age of 18. I visited many Eurocycles and some Unicons (Guilfort, Bottrop and Langenthal). I have also organised an Eurocycle by myself (Bremen, Germany 2002). As a result I decided to study physical education and geography to become a teacher, because I like all kind of athletics and enjoy it to meet people from different countries. At this year I try to finish my teacher-training, but at the moment I spend more time for doing shows and riding the unicycle.
Arne Tilgen, Qualification Ride, Bottrop, Germany, April 2008, Photo by Holger Summer
Arne Tilgen, Qualification Ride Day 1, Fröndenberg, Germany, February 2008, Photo by Jan Logemann
Arne Tilgen, Kite Surfing, Strandhorst, Netherlands, February 2008, Photo by Phil Mandeau
Holger Summer
I started unicycling 15 years ago and have been attending many national and international unicycling meetings since then. Riding the Lobster will be definately a highlight. I have always enjoyed meeting people from other countrys and traveling around the globe to places I have never been before and would have probably never be going, i.e. china or japan. My main focus though is on unicycling hockey, where I like the aspect of playing, win and loose as a team. I have also been involved in organising the german hockey which has over the years grown and grown and consist now of nearly 50 teams. When I find the time, I also love to do mountain unicycling and unicycle trials. Besides unicycling I am a molecular biologist.
Holger Summer, Travelling around, Paris, France, 2006, Photo by Sonja Theiss
Holger Summer, Riding a BC, Netherlands, 2006, Photo by Sonja Theiss
Holger Summer, Bike Park Downhill, Bad Wildbad, Germany, 2006, Photo by Sonja Theiss